Official Plan

The Official Plan for the Township of Cavan Monaghan sets out community visions and goals. The goals and visions are further implemented in the Township of Cavan Monaghan Zoning By-law.

If you are interested in long term growth forecasts, future development patterns, and strategies for protecting resources, you will want to look at the Official Plan for the Township of Cavan Monaghan. 

Our Official Plan:

  • provides awareness to the public on the Township's general land use planning policies
  • makes sure that growth is coordinated and meets our community's needs
  • helps the community understand how their land may be used now and in the future
  • helps decide where roads, watermains, sewers, parks and other services will be built
  • provides a framework for establishing municipal zoning by-laws to set local regulations and standards, like the size of lots and height of buildings
  • provides a way to evaluate and settle conflicting land uses while meeting local, regional and provincial interests
  • shows council's commitment to the future growth of our community

You can find the official plan designation of your property:

Making Changes

You should consult the Township for help interpreting all of the land use policies by submitting a land use inquiry to the Planning Department.

Changes to the Official Plan may be needed because of new circumstances in the community or because of requests made by property owners. If your development proposal does not or cannot meet the policies set out in the Official Plan, you will need to amend the Township Official Plan.

Before submitting any development application, including an amendment to the Township Official Plan, you must arrange a pre-consultation with our Planning Department in accordance with the Township's Pre-consultation By-law.  To request a pre-consultation meeting with Staff please complete this Pre-consultation Request Form.

Official Plan Amendment (OPA) Application

The OPA Application is found on the Planning Applications and Fees page.

An OPA provides specific relief from our Official Plan if the Council of the County of Peterborough agrees the request conforms to the County of Peterborough Official Plan and the relevant Provincial interests.

Finding more information

You can find more information about official plans, including the official plan process, through the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Citizen's Guide to Official Plans.