Planning Applications and Fees

Before submitting any development application, you must arrange a pre-consultation with our Planning Department in accordance with the Township's Pre-consultation By-law.

To request a pre-consultation with staff and appropriate agencies please complete the pre-consultation form online.   

Township Applications and Fees




County of Peterborough Applications and Fees


Land Division

The County of Peterborough is responsible for the processing and approval of the following land division applications:

Official Plan Amendments

The County of Peterborough is responsible for the following types of official plan amendments:


Visit the County of Peterborough Planning and Development website for information on their application fees and development charges.


Current Applications


All of the planning applications currently in process in the Township can be found on the Planning Notices and Current Projects page.


Notices respecting County of Peterborough Applications can be found on the County Website at the links below: